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Eurasian Studies


SERPİL BAĞCI (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara)
MICHEL BALIVET (Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence)
GIAMPIERO BELLINGERI (Università di Venezia)
MARIA VITTORIA FONTANA (Università di Napoli, «L’Orientale»)
BEATRICE FORBES MANZ (Tufts University, Medford)
BERT G. FRAGNER (Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien)
NELIDA FUCCARO (SOAS, University of London)
MASASHI HANEDA (University of Tokyo)
ROXANE HAAG-HIGUCHI (Universität Bamberg)
COLIN IMBER (University of Manchester)
ÉVA JEREMIÁS (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
GIANCARLO LACERENZA (Università di Napoli, «L’Orientale»)
CLAUDIO LO JACONO (Università di Napoli, «L’Orientale»)
PAUL E. LOSENSKY (Indiana University, Bloomington)
ANGELO MICHELE PIEMONTESE (Università di Roma «La Sapienza»)
GIORGIO ROTA (Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien)
NATALIA L. TORNESELLO (Università di Napoli, «L’Orientale»)
ROBERTO TOTTOLI (Università di Napoli, «L’Orientale»)
GILLES VEINSTEIN (Collège de France, Paris)
ALBERTO VENTURA (Università della Calabria).

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Eurasian Studies


Michele Bernardini, Jürgen Paul

Assistant Editor
Alessandro Taddei

Editorial Advisory Board

(Direttore responsabile Michele Bernardini)

posticon Eurasian Studies

Eurasian Studies


Eurasian Studies is a journal published jointly by the Orientalisches Institut der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg, and the Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino, Rome.

As a joint enterprise, this journal aims to encourage international academic co-operation, and by covering a wide geographical area stretching from the Balkans to Central Asia and including the eastern Mediterranean, Anatolia, the Middle East and Iran, to break down traditional compartmentalization of history and foster a more interdisciplinary and interregional approach to historical studies of the area as a whole.

Eurasian Studies focuses on history, covering the period from the rise of Islam to the outbreak of the First World War and encourages the publication of unedited documents, sources and literary texts, both in facsimile and in transcription. There is a substantial section devoted to the review of recent publications.

Eurasian Studies appears twice a year or in a double issue. Manuscripts, books for review and all correspondence should be addressed to either.

Michele Bernardini
Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino

via Caroncini 19,
00197 – Roma - Italy
Tel. +39 06 8084106
Fax +39 06 8079395
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jürgen Paul
Orientalisches Institut der Martin-Luther-Universität

Halle Wittenberg
Mühlweg 15
06114 Halle (Saale) - Germany

Notes for the Contributors:
Contributors should submit one hard copy and one copy on disk of their manuscripts. Articles must not exceeded 30 pages double spaced, including any illustration. The journal accepts articles in English and French, German and Italian. Illustrations and tables must be presented in black and white. Authors will receive one set of proofs. The second proofs will be read only by the editors. Each article will be read by three anonymous referees.